

Dr Ella Rachamim, Community Paediatrician, Barnet CDT, Child health HQ, Edgware General Hospital, Burnt Oak Broadway, London HA8 0AD

Dr Anna Petsas, parent representative for Barnet Leading Edge Group (LEG) for DS and Intensive Care/Anaesthetic Consultant at UCLH.

Mrs Sandra Redman, Early Years SEND Advisor and Lead for the Barnet Integrated Group for Down Syndrome.

Dr Christine Jenkins, MB BS, BSc, FRCPCH, FRCP, DCH, DRCOG, MRCGP. Consultant Paediatrician, Community Child Health. Barnet Community Paediatric Team. Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

These guidelines are largely based on work done by Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG, UK and Ireland) who have produced guidelines for basic medical surveillance in children with a diagnosis of Down Syndrome and in association with the Downs Syndrome Association (DSA) (see Appendix 2)

We would also like to acknowledge the work done by Nottingham Down Syndrome Children’s Services, Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and Hull in developing and sharing their team pathways.


Thank you

Thank you to Sue Bills for starting this all off with the ever-expanding Multi-Disciplinary Down Syndrome Leading Edge Group and mostly thank you to all of you that came on that day – we did it!  We have tried to mention you in your specific sections. Thank you specifically to Dr Anisha Soor, Community Paediatric Trainee, London and Dr Shpilberg, paediatric trainee, for their contribution to the neonatal pathway, to Dr Nagendran for her hard work and dedication, to ALL the parents and children we have had the pleasure to meet, to Sarah Geiger for her patience and effective time-management, to Richard Gurney for his support, to parents Aviva for striving for inclusivity, Marilia for her honesty and Lucy for her editing, to Dr Gita Croft for giving Ella a first glimpse of what good care for children and young people with Down Syndrome (DS) could look like, to the Child Development Team for their strength and support, to the hospital based paediatricians, neonatologists and obstetric teams for setting such high standards of care and to the tertiary specialists Dr Tan, Dr Rosenthal, Dr Abel and Dr Colin Wallis who answered our constant queries, well into the night. Last but not least to our colleagues from the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG) and the Leading Edge Group (LEG, Barnet Local Offer) for their inspiration and dedication.