Appendix 30 - Fluid and food thickeners
Letter providing information about the new IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) guidelines and how this relates to thickening fluids.
The resources are freely available to download or print at ( under consumer resources paediatrics) with a helpful information sheet of suitable foods for each 'stage' and foods to avoid.
If a parent appears unsure or confused in any way about the food their child should be eating or thickness of drinks please contact us to arrange a face to face review. Often around weaning, parents will need more intensive support and it may be a slower process, with thickeners for clear fluids for example or bottled milk and also with medications, this can be less convenient and need additional support.
It may be that the child has been discharged by the paediatric dysphagia team but remains on thickeners for their fluids – it is always worth reviewing the long term need for these at the annual reviews and referring back for a review by the team, after discussion with parents and the school.
It is important that schools understand what the thickeners are achieving and reasons behind their recommendation, how to make up the feeds and have it documented in the child’s school health plan.
Children’s Integrated Therapies
Edgware Community Hospital, 3rd Floor, Westgate House, Burnt Oak Broadway, Edgware HA8 0AD
Contact: 0300 300 1821
Dear Parent / Carer / Staff member
RE: Change in descriptors for thickening products
We are writing to you to alert you to the imminent change in the way the thickening products on the market will be describing different consistencies from April 2019. You may or may not already be aware of this.
As part of an international roll-out, the terms used to describe the level that your child has his/her thickened drinks will be changing. You will mainly notice these changes on your child’s written reports and possibly the instructions on the thickener product that you use. However, this will not change what you are currently doing, unless otherwise advised by your child’s Speech and Language Therapist (SLT).
Please see diagram below to aid your understanding of how this will change:
The measurements for the thickener you currently use will remain the same as you have discussed and agreed upon with your SLT. Please note: some manufacturers may have changed their packaging to reflect these changes already. We hope this is clear. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact your local SLT who will be happy to discuss this more with you.
Kind regards, The SLT Paediatric Dysphagia team.